A/B test calculator - calculate statistical significance

A/B test calculator - calculate statistical significance

So, you've run your A/B test, the results are in, and you now want to know what these results mean.

Don't worry, we have an A/B test calculator here for you, which will tell you whether your AB test result is statistically significant or not.
In other words, whether you should implement the changes of the winning variant or not.

You simply put in the impressions/views and conversions for A and B, and it will calculate the conversion rate (CR) and confidence score.

A/B testing significance calculator

Variant Views Conversions CR

What the A/B test confidence score means

Confidence What it means
95%-100% A confidence score equal or greater than 95% means your A/B test is statistically significant and you should implement your winning variant.
90%-95% A confidence score equal or greater than 90% and less than 95% means your A/B test is unlikely to be statistically significant.
You should be cautious about implementing the winning variant, but try other A/B experiments out instead.
< 90% A confidence score less than 90% means your A/B test is not statistically significant.
Do not implement the winning variant.

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